Thursday, June 23, 2011

The shorter leg of my brother from which I'm the son

It was just another trip into the city, Dutchie 2 missed the bus into the train station as he was woken up by Dutchie 1's call while he was waiting in front the his house. So he missed out.
The Big Fish gets in at a later stop, so the Scientist and his Bride were already warmed up (and yes we had a heated carriage - thank you citirail - contrary to todays carraige, brrrrrrr).
The path of the conversation started due to the very unfit look on Big Fishes face, Dutchie 1 indicated that his appearance wasn't in the top 10. BF said that he got woken op twice by his kids last night. The son had just a minor "Dunna" issue but his daughter had a bad dream ... how to handle that at 4am in the morning ...
Dutchie 1 tried to sympathise, indicating he was not alone, and the D1's bother had a son that never slept a full night for the first few years of his life. But BF was still in sleep mode and picked up, that D1 was his brothers son ... (hmmm, don't know where that came from). Thinking about it, it would be possible if D1 and his brother would have the same mom and his brother did something with the mom ... let's keep it there. The Scientist indicated that D1's analysis of the situation was correct. As BF was is "Slow" mode today, remarked correctly that D1's brother had to be the older brother ... (a bit of laughter was initiated by this comment, what was even more funny was the BF was serious ... must have been a bad night).
As the name does expect Big Fish is a big (tall) man, and just after this comment we got an intruder in our section. She sat down but due to the long legs of BF, she couldn't sit properly.
D1 commented, you've got long legs, BF, "I can't do anything about that", Scientist and D1, but we can. If they can extend legs, you also must be able to shorten them.
The Scientist and D1 where just thinking how this would work. To keep mobility you would do first one leg ...  the end result could be reasonably special, having 1 leg shorter by 5cm. And what if with the next leg they would shorten the thigh bone instead of the shin. The result would be that the knees would be about 5 cm apart. After a bit of envisagement of this situation, we decided that it would be very unpractical, especially squating.
There was central station and a new day in the city.

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